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  • Estimation of the multispecies multi-gear marine fish landings from the EEZ of India following the self-developed stratified multi-stage random sampling design
  • National quinquennial census of marine fisher population and infrastructure facilities and estimated value of marine fisheries and fishing fleet economic efficiencies
  • Optimized fishing fleet size of various craft-gear combinations for rational exploitation of marine resources in all maritime states of India
  • Monitored biology and health of commercial marine fish stocks (133 stocks) of India.  Developed and applied several analytical models to assess the finfish and shellfish stocks in all maritime states for providing Fishery Management Plans and advisories on seasonal fishing bans and potential yields
  • Developed hatchery and grow-out technologies for shrimps, pearl oysters, oysters, mussels, clams, ornamental fishes, sea bass, cobia, pompano and groupers (totaling 37 species)
  • Established commercial farming of mussels and oysters in coastal areas with an annual production of over 10,000 tonnes benefitting nearly 6000 women self-help groups
  • Identified and mapped new and non-conventional deep sea marine resources by vessel based surveys, including abundance maps of oceanic squid resources
  • Used modern biotechnological tools for development of marine nutraceuticals (GMe & GAe) for human well-being and functional feeds for mariculture species
  • Assessed major marine and island habitats and evaluated their biodiversity; and developed restoration protocols through artificial reef deployment
  • Provided science back-up for India’s first eco-labelled (MSC certified) fisheries (short-neck clam) meeting global standards of fisheries management
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