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The Shellfish Fisheries Division is dedicated to understanding and managing shellfish resources for sustainable development along the Indian coast. The Division’s research encompasses various aspects, including the assessment of fishery and resource characteristics of Penaeid and non-Penaeid shrimps, lobsters, and crabs across different maritime states. Additionally, the Division conducts stock assessments of major exploited crustacean resources, evaluates bycatch and discards from trawlers, studies recruitment dynamics of Penaeid shrimps, and maps the distribution and abundance of shellfish using GIS-based resources mapping. Furthermore, the Division evaluates molluscan fisheries, conducts studies on the biology of major commercial molluscan resources, and develops mariculture technologies for molluscs. Notable achievements include the development of protocols for shellfish culture, controlled breeding, and spat production, as well as the establishment of fishery management plans and advisories for various regions.

Additionally, the Division has made significant strides in technology development, including the creation of farming technologies for mussels, oysters, and pearl oysters, as well as the development of protocols for depuration, shucking, and value chain enhancement. Division’s efforts contribute to the sustainable management and utilization of shellfish resources along the Indian coast, ensuring their conservation for future generations.
