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The proposal for the establishment of a Central Fisheries Research Institute in India was first made in 1943 by the late Dr. Baini Prashad, who was, at that time, the Director of the Zoological Survey of India. In his Memorandum on the "Post-war Development of Indian Fisheries" he recommended that a "Central Fishery Research Institute be established by the Government of India on lines similar to those of the Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, the Veterinary Research Institute at Mukteswar and Izatnagar and the Forest Research Institute at Dehra Dun". This recommendation was endorsed by the Fish Sub-Committee of the Policy Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries and thus, in their Report of 1945, the need for the estabUshment of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute was proposed. The Government of India again sought the advice of the Late Lt. Col. Dr. R. B. Seymour Sewell, who had previously been the Director of the Zoological Survey of India, regarding the proposal of the establishment of the Institute.


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CMFRI A Memoire of 7 Decades


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