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Dr. M. K. Anil

Role : Principal Scientist

Focus of Research :

  • Bivalve mariculture
  • Marine ornamental fish breeding and aquarium technology
  • Fisheries management

Background :

Aftergraduating (BFSc) in fisheries from Kerala Agricultural University, tookMasters and PhD in Mariculture (CMFRI). I am working in CMFRI since 1996 onmariculture.  I worked as Scientist In Charge, Marine Research Aquariumfor more than 10 years, and as SIC & Head, Vizhinjam Regional Centre, CMFRIfor seven years. Now, working as Principal Scientist in Shellfish FisheriesDivision. Major contributions include - establishment of first brood bank for Silverpompano in India -CMFRI-NFDB Project, hatchery technology for mass seedproduction of bivalve molluscs: Green mussel P. viridis and brown musselP. indica and mangrove oyster Crassostrea madrasensis and pearloyster Pinctada fucata, development of photobioreactor for the massproduction of microalgae for shellfish and finfish seed production, developedraceway system of microalgal mass production for shellfish seed production,developed superintensive finfish RAS, developed RAS fingerling production unit,designed and established marine aquariums at Vizhinjam, Thiruvananthapuram andKavaratti, Lakshadweep, Captive breeding and seed production of food fish Pinkear emperor, Lethrinus lentjan, Lethrinus nebulosus, Pomadasys furcatus, captivebreeding and seed production of cephalopods: two cuttlefish species (Sepiellainermis and Sepia pharonis) and the squid species - Sepioteuthislessoniana, Captive breeding and seed production of marine ornamentalfishes:   Seahorse Hyppocampus kuda,Marcia’s Anthias; Pseudanthias marcia; Red Saddleback Anemonefish; Amphiprionephippium, Coral demoiselle; Neopomacentrus nemurus, Regaldemoiselle; Neopomacentrus cyanomos, black-finned anemone fish; Amphiprionnigripes, Captive breeding and seed production mud crab Scylla oceanica(Syn. Scylla serrata) a species used for mariculture, Technology ofimage pearl production, Sea-Cage farming technology of Lobster Panulirus homarusand Seabass Lates calcarifer.


Education :

  • BFSc 1986 Fisheries, from Kerala Agricultural University
  • MSc 1990 Mariculture, Cochin University of Science and Technology/CMFRI
  • PhD 1996 Cochin University of Science & Technology/CMFRI

Current Research Projects :



Funded By


Techniques for mass production of bivalve seed (MFD/SEED/16) PI



Popularizing Eco-friendly Molluscan Farming Strategies (MFD/MOL/17) Co PI



Health management in selected finfish and shellfish (MBT/HM/23) Co PI



All India Network Project on Mariculture, Co PI



Enhancing The Production of Silver Pompano Trachinotus Blochii Through The Establishment of a Brood bank supply of larvae to states/UTS for seed production, PI – 5.64 Cr.; now running as revolving fund project


Awards & Recognitions :

• Best Scientist award Senior Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS), 2022
• Best paper award in 5th International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia CAA5, 2015
• Consultant for marine environmental study for EIA for Vizhinajm Port
• Consultant for Impact assessment of Multipurpose reef at Kovalam for Dept. of Tourism.
• Consultant for proposed Sea-life park at Varkala for Government of Kerala
• Consultant for Pompano Broodbank, Government of Kerala
• Consultant for Bivalve Hatchery, Government of Kerala
• Consultant for multi species hatchery, Government of Maharashtra
• Consultant for Pearl Oyster Hatchery for the restoration of Pearl Oysters at Tuticorin, Government of Tamil Nadu
• Patent Awarded: A device for breeding and culturing Marine fish in open sea and the patent number is 322166.


    Best 5 Publications :

    Anil, M K and Rohini Krishna, M V and Gomathi, P and Surya, S and Ambarish, Gop P and Santhosh, B and Siju, R and Anand, V and Krishnapriya, P M and Shalin, O and Raju, B and Madhu, K and Gopalakrishnan, A (2022) Recent advances in marine ornamental breeding and seed production at Vizhinjam Regional Centre of CMFRI India. Frontiers in Marine Science. pp. 1-16.

    Anil, M K and Gomathi, P and Sugi, V V and Raheem, P K and Raju, B and Ambarish, Gop P and Santhosh, B and Philipose, K K and Gopakumar, G and Gopalakrishnan, A (2019) Captive maturation, breeding and seed production of Pink ear emperor, Lethrinus lentjan (Lacepede, 1802) (Family: Lethrinidae) in recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). Aquaculture, 503. pp. 207-216.

    Anil, M K and Gomathi, P and Raheem, P K and Raju, B and Philipose, K K and Gopalakrishnan, A (2018) Captive broodstock development, breeding and seed production of Anthid fish (family: Serranidae) Marcias anthias, Pseudanthias marcia in recirculation aquaculture system (RAS). Aquaculture, 492. pp. 265-272.

    Anil, M K and Santhosh, B and Jasmine, S and Saleela, K N and George, Rani Mary and Kingsly, H Jose and Unnikrishnan, C and Rao, A Hanumantha and Rao, G Syda (2010) Growth performance of the seabass Lates calcarifer (Blotch) in sea cage at Vizhinjam Bay along the south-west coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 57 (4). pp. 65-69.

    Anil, M K and Andrews, Joseph and Unnikrishnan, C (2005) Growth, behavior, and mating of pharaoh cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis Ehrenberg) in captivity. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh, 57 (1). pp. 25-31.

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