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Smt. Shikha Rahangdale

Role : Scientist

Focus of Research :

  • Stock assessment and Fisheries biology
  • Taxonomy and biodiversity assessment
  • Geographic information system and resource mapping
  • Elasmobranch fisheries and conservation

Education :

  • B. F. Sc (2012) College of Fishery Science, MAFSU, Nagpur
  • M. F. Sc (2014) ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai

Current Research Projects :

  • Science for Sustainability: Developing an Integrated Assessment Framework (IAF) to inform management decisions for marine fisheries of Gujarat,Daman & Diu: In-house
  • Decoding the interplay of fisheries-dependent and fisheries-independent factors on elasmobranchs of India to improve conservation, sustainability, livelihood security and management: In-house
  • Developing a national roadmap for integrated coastal conservation and fisheries enhancement along the Indian coast through artificial reefs: In-house
  • Algal Blooms estimation and associated bio-optical properties in Indian Ocean region using OCM-3 and sea-truth measurement: Externally funded
  • Phytoplankton diversity in Indian Ocean using OCM-3: Externally funded

Awards & Recognitions :

  • University Gold Medal for academic excellence in BFSc (2012): MAFSU, Nagpur
  • Best paper Award at Mega Awareness Campaign on Ocean Information and Advisory Services organized by INCOIS in collaboration with CIFT at Veraval on 13th July, 2023
  • Member IUCN Species Survival commission for Croaker and Drum Fishes Red List Authority 2021-2025

    Best 5 Publications :
    1. Rahangdale, S., Zacharia, P.U., Kumar, R. and Vase, V., 2022. Evaluating the stock status of 10 croaker species landed along the north-eastern Arabian Sea using the length-based Bayesian biomass approach. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, p.952795.
    2. Rahangdale, S., Kumar, R., Vase, V. and Zacharia, P.U., 2022. Estimation of Maximum Sustainable Yield for Lesser Sciaenids Fishery of North-Eastern Arabian Sea using Surplus Production Model with Environmental Effects. Journal of Ichthyology, 62(4), pp.632-640.
    3. Raj, N., Sukumaran, S., Jose, A., Nisha, K., Roul, S.K., Rahangdale, S., Kizhakudan, S.J. and Gopalakrishnan, A., 2024. Population genetic structure of Randall’s threadfin bream Nemipterus randalli in Indian waters based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences. Scientific Reports, 14(1), p.7556.
    4. Sukumaran, S., Sebastian, W., Zacharia, P.U., Kizhakudan, S.J., Akhilesh, K.V., Thomas, S., Roul, S.K., Muktha, M., Sen, S.P., Purushottama, G.B. and Rahangdale, S., 2023. Population genetic research on the Spadenose shark, Scoliodon laticaudus (Chondrichthyes, Carcharhinidae), reveals the presence of two significantly differentiated clades along the Indian coast. Marine Biodiversity, 53(1), p.16.
    5. Roul, S.K., Jeena, N.S., Kumar, R., Vinothkumar, R., Rahangdale, S., Rahuman, S., Ghosh, S., Rohit, P. and Gopalakrishnan, A., 2021. Postulating the modality of integrative taxonomy in describing the cryptic congener pampus griseus (cuvier) and systematics of the genus pampus (perciformes: Stromateidae). Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, p.778422.
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