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Dr. Rajesh K. M.

Role : Principal Scientist
   91824 – 2222679

Focus of Research :

  • Pelagic fisheries
  • Fisheries management
  • Brackishwater aquaculture

Background :

After taking masters in Fish Production and Management in 1999 and PhD Aquaculture in 2002, I worked as Assistant Director Fisheries in the Department of Fisheries, Karnataka for two years from 8th March 2005 to 12th March 2007. Later, Joined as Subject Matter Specialist at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Mangalore of University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore and worked for five years from 13th March 2007 to 27th March 2012.  Presently working as Senior Scientist in Pelagic fisheries division at Mangalore Research Centre of CMFRI, Mangalore since 28th March 2012.         


Education :

  • PhD  2002  Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Mangalore(UAS, Bangalore)
  • M.F.Sc.,  1999  Fish Production & management, College of Fisheries, Mangalore(UAS, Bangalore)
  • B.F.Sc.,  1997  College of Fisheries, Mangalore(UAS, Bangalore)  

Current Research Projects :

NoTitleFunded By
1Development of fishery management plans for sustaining marine fisheries of Karnataka and Goa.CMFRI
2Development of strategies to sustain the stock and fishery of large pelagics in Indian waters.CMFRI
3GIS based resource mapping of distribution and abundance of finfishes and shellfishes off Indian coast for suggesting operational based strategies for fisheries management.CMFRI
4Satellite Telemetry Studies on Migration patterns of Tunas in the Indian Seas (SATTUNA)INCOIS

Awards & Recognitions :

  • 2002 University Gold medal for Ph.D
  • 2010 Scientist of the year 2010 award from National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi


    Best 5 Publications :

    1. G. Gowda, K.M. Rajesh and R.M. Mridula, 2009. Vertical distribution of polychaetes in brackishwater pond of Nethravathi estuary, India. Journal of Environmental Biology, 30(6):1025-1029.
    2. Rajesh, K. M., Shankar, K. M., Mohan, C.V. and Mridula, R. M. 2008. Growth and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila of Indian major carp, rohu (Labeo rohita) in cisterns treated with sugarcane bagasse as artificial substrate, pp. 245-258. In Bondad-Reantaso, M.G., Mohan, C.V., Crumlish, M. and Subasinghe, R.P. (eds.). Diseases in Asian Aquaculture VI. Fish Health Section, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines. 505 pp.
    3. Ramanath M. Mridula, Joseph K Manissery, Perar Keshavanath, Kalkuli M Shankar, Mudnakudu C. Nandeesha and Kothanahally M Rajesh, 2005. Effect of paddy straw and sugarcane bagasse on water quality, bacterial biofilm production and growth and survival of rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton). Aquaculture Research, 36:635-642.
    4. Mridula R. M., J. K. Manissery, P. Keshavanath, K. M. Shankar, M. C. Nandeesha and K. M. Rajesh, 2003. Water quality, biofilm production and growth of fringe-lipped carp, Labeo fimbriatus in tanks provided with two substrates. Bioresource Technology, 87 (3): 263-267.
    5. Rajesh, K. M., G. Gowda, Mridula R. Mendon and A. P. Nazareth, 2001. Distribution of sediment chlorophyll - a and phaeopigments in brackishwater ponds along the Nethravathi estuary, South-West coast of India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 48 (2) : 145-149.

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