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Dr. Johnson. B.

Role : Senior Scientist

Focus of Research :

  • Marine fisheries, Mariculture extension and economics
  • Diffusion, innovation and adoption studies
  • Evaluation/impact assessment
  • Entrepreneurship development

Background :

I completed my masters and PhD in Agricultural Extension during 2002 and 2011 respectively. I joined in Agricultural Research Service on November 04, 2009 and undergone four months Foundation Course training at NAARM. I am working in Mandapam Regional Centre of CMFRI since 2010 on Marine fisheries, Mariculture extension and economics. I contributed in assessing the coastal rural indebtedness and impact of microfinance in marine fisheries sector of Tamil Nadu state. I am involving in participatory technology development of cage farming of Cobia, Pompano and establishment of an All Women Self Help Group Model Unit for Small-Scale Marine Ornamental Fish Production. 


Education :

  • PhD 2011 Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi
  • MSc 2002 Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore
  • BSc 2000 Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore

Current Research Projects :

No.TitleFunded By
1Capacity Development for Ecosystem Based Responsible Fisheries Management in India - A Co-Learning action researchCMFRI
2Economics of marine fisheries and sustainable management: Policy Issues and InterventionsCMFRI
3Supply chain management of marine fisheries sector in IndiaCMFRI
4Innovations in sea cage farming and coastal maricultureCMFRI
5Remote sensing assisted biodynamic forecasting paradigm for Indian marine fishery resourcesCMFRI
6National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)ICAR
7Living Resources of the Gulf of Mannar: Assessment of Key Species and Habitats for Enhancing Awareness and for Conservation Policy FormulationIUCN-MFF
8Capacity building on seed production of selected marine ornamental fishes to fisherwomen in Gulf of Mannar regionGoMBRT

Awards & Recognitions :

  • 2013 Best paper award on the paper entitled ‘An Information Communication & Technology Module on Impact of Microfinance on Coastal Indebtedness in the theme on ICT’ at the International conference on ecosystem conservation, climate change and sustainable development, 3-5 October 2013, Thiruvananthapuram.
  • 2010 Best Trainee Award for outstanding overall performance by securing 1st Rank in the 88th Foundation Course for Agricultural Research Service (FOCARS) organized at NAARM, Hyderabad from November 04, 2009 to March 03, 2010.
  • 2009 Ganga Singh Chauhan Memorial Award for meritorious research work in the field of agricultural extension by Society of Extension Education, Agra.
  • 2005 to 2009 IARI Senior Research Fellowship
  • 2000 Bell and Company medal for the highest OGPA in B.Sc. (Ag.)


    Best 5 Publications :

    1. Vipinkumar, V.P., Johnson, B., Swathilekshmi, P.S., and Ramachandran, C. 2013. Coastal rural indebtedness and impact of microfinance in marine fisheries sector of Tamil Nadu. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 55 (1), 79-85.
    2. Vipinkumar, V.P., Swathilekshmi, P.S., Johnson, B., and Narayanakumar, R. 2013. Coastal rural indebtedness and impact of microfinance in marine fisheries sector of Andhra Pradesh. Indian J. Fish., 60(4): 81-86.
    3. Johnson, B. and Vijayaragavan, K. 2011. Diffusion of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) across Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh in India. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education, 11 (3): 72-79.
    4. Johnson, B., Vijayaragavan, K. and Kingsly Immanuelraj. Economic impacts of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in India. Green Farming.
    5. Johnson, B. and Vijayaragavan, K. and Premlata Singh. 2012. Successful and unsuccessful cases in System of Rice Intensification (SRI). The Andhra Agricultural Journal. 59 (2):336-343.

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