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Dr. Asha P. S.

Role : Principal Scientist & SIC
   +91 461 2320274

Focus of Research :

  • Pollution monitoring
  • Climate change studies
  • Conservation of  critical marine habitats and sea cucumbers

Background :

After  the completion of  my  masters  in marine biology in 1994  and PhD in Holothurian reproductive aspects and hatchery rearing  in 2006,  I am working in CMFRI since 1996 on  fisheries environment  management and sea cucumber conservation. I currently hold the  post of Principal scientist  at Tuticorin Research Centre of CMFRI.  I have worked on the impact of industrial and domestic pollution in Tuticorin coastal waters. Also  conducted studies on   the  variations in the  hydrological parameters and the zooplankton and phytoplankton constituents  off Tuticorin.  On the conservation aspect ,  I have contributed  in the development of technique for breeding, larval and juvenile rearing of an endangered sea cucumber species Holothuria spinifera and also standardized several  aspects of hatchery and  early juvenile rearing of  commercial  sea cucumber H.scabra .  


Education :

  • PhD  2006  Manonmanium Sundernar University
  • MSc  1994  Marine Biology, Cochin University
  • BSc   1991  Zoology, University of Kerala

Current Research Projects :



Funded By


Pollution and litter in the coastal and marine ecosystem and their impact.



Ecosystem process of critical marine habitats and development of protocols  for restoration.



National Initiative on climate resilient agriculture (NICRA)


Awards & Recognitions :

  • 2007 Jawaharlal Nehru Award for best PhD thesis from ICAR
  • 2011 Best t presentation award for the article in Hindi in the National Scientific Seminar on  Biodiversity at CMFRI, Kochi.
  • Selected as a member in the  Beche-de-mer special interest group, New Caledonia.
  • Represented India in the  international  the  workshop  on “ Sea  Cucumber  Fisheries  an  Ecosystem  Approach  to management in the Indian Ocean  organized by FAO and WIOMSA at Zanzibar of Tanzania during the period  12-16 Nov’2012 . 


Links to other profiles :
  • Google Scholar  - =nYAtg_IAAAAJ-
  • ResearchGate - 
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