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  • Red sea bream iridovirus infection in cage farmed Asian sea bass : Insights into the pathology, epizootiology, and genetic diversity

    Red sea bream iridovirus (RSIV) is an emerging viral pathogen having significant socio-economic and environmental impacts on marine and brackish aquaculture systems. The study documents certain interesting findings of an RSIV disease outbreak that caused 50% cumulative mortality among cage farmed Asian sea bass in India. The confirmatory diagnosis was made based on internationally approved protocols. The affected fish showed splenomegaly, anaemia, and abnormally enlarged cells within the spleen, liver, kidney, and brain. The consistent presence of two fish pathogens, viz., Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio fluvialis, in the liver, along with characteristic vibrio-induced pathologies were noted, indicating the possible role of these bacterial pathogens in RSIV pathogenesis during the outbreak. More strikingly, the surviving fish were found to carry the virus even after two months post-outbreak, warranting future investigations on the carrier status of RSIV survivors.


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