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Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan

Role : Director

Focus of Research :

  • Sustainability and Management of Indian Fisheries
  • Genetic characterization of fishes
  • Molecular and classical taxonomy
  • Cryopreservation

Background :

With a Masters in Zoology and Ph.D in fish reproductive physiology in 1991, I joined  NBFGR, Lucknow/Allahabad as Scientist in 1989 and later moved onto Kochi in 1995 to establish a centre of NBFGR at Kochi campus of CMFRI. I have worked at different aspects of Genetic stock identification of fishes using DNA markers, attempted  DNA Barcoding of the fishes using mtDNA markers. Protocol for cryopreservation of milt of indigenous freshwater fishes for conservation has been developed as well as captive breeding techniques of indigenous freshwater fishes have been also perfected.


Education :

  • Ph.D 1991 Mariculture Cochin University of Science & Technology
  • M.Sc 1988 Zoology M.G University
  • B.Sc 1983 Zoology   M.G University

Current Research Projects :



Funded By


Genetics, genomics and biotechnological applications in mariculture and fishery resources management



Outreach activity on fish genetic stocks



Global learning for local solution: Reducing vulnerability of marine dependent coastal communities

Belmont Forum-MoES

Awards & Recognitions :

  • Fellow, National Academy of Science (2012 till as on date)
  • V.G. Jhingran Swaran Padak 1992 Award for the contribution in the field of Cryopreservation of Fish Gametes (Team Member) by the Nature Conservators.
  • Senior Scientist Award 1992 for the outstanding contribution in the field of fish milt cryopreservation as a Team Member by NATCON.
  • Member – International Consortium of Barcode of Life – Fish Barcode of Life Initiative (FishBoL) Regional Working Group –India.
  • Contributor – Freshwater Eco-regions of the World (FEOW) –Region Eurasia, WWF – The Nature Conservancy, USA.
  • Collaborator (Code No. 1148) – Fishbase, World Fish Center

1. Aneesha Devassy,  Raj Kumar,  P P Shajitha, Reshma John,  K.G Padmakumar ,  V S Basheer, A Gopalakrishnan and  Linu Mathew (2015) Genetic identification and phylogenetic relationships of Indian clariids based on mitochondrial COI sequences. Mitochondrial DNA. pp. 1-4.

2. Divya, P R,  A Gopalakrishnan,  V S Basheer,  Raja Swaminathan,  C Mohitha,  L. Joy,  Raj Kumar  P Manoj, and J K Jena (2015) Mitochondrial ATPase 6/8 genes to infer the population genetic structure of silver pomfret fish Pampus argenteus along the Indian waters.Mitochondrial DNA, Early . pp. 1-6.

3. Vij, Shubha,K Purushothaman,  G Gopikrishna, Lau, Saju, J M  Shamsudheen, K V  K Vinayakumar,  V S Basheer and  A Gopalakrishnan.  S H Mohammad, S Sridhar S Vinod, and J K Jena,  A G Ponniah, and László Orbán, (2014) Barcoding of Asian seabass across its geographic range provides evidence for its bifurcation into two distinct species. Frontiers in Marine Science, 1. pp. 1-14.

4. Muneer Abdul P M, Gopalakrishnan A, Sivanandan R, Basheer V S and Ponniah A G (2010)Genetic variation and phylogenetic relationship between two species of yellow catfish, Horabagrus brachysoma and nigricollaris (Teleostei: Horabagridae) based on RAPD and microsatellite markers. Mol. Biol. Rep., DOI 10.1007/s11033-010-0352-3.

5. Padmakumar K G, Bindu L, Basheer V S, Gopalakrishnan A and Lakra (2010). Threatened fishes of the World: Clarias dussumieri dussumieri Valenciennes, 1840 (Clariidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 87: 297-298.

 6. Swaminathan R T, Lakra W S, Gopalakrishnan A, Basheer V S, Khushwaha and Sajeela K A (2010). Development and characterization of a new epithelial cell line PSF from caudal fin of Green chromide, Etroplus suratensis (Bloch, 1790). In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.-Animal, DOI 10.1007/s11626-010-9326-y.

 7. Muneer Abdul P M, Gopalakrishnan A, Musammilu K K, Mohindra V, Lal K K, Basheer V S and Lakra W S (2009). Genetic variation and population structure of endemic yellow catfish, Horabagrus brachysoma (Bagridae) among three populations of Western Ghat region using RAPD and microsatellite markers. Molecular Biology Reports, 36:1779–1791 (DOI 10.1007/s11033-008-9381-6).

 8. Jeena, N S Gopalakrishnan, A , Radhakrishnan, E V, Kizhakudan, Joe K, Basheer, V S, Asokan, P K and Jena, J K (2015) Molecular phylogeny of commercially important lobster species from Indian coast inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Mitochondrial DNA . pp. 1-10.

 9. Bineesh, K., K V Akhilesh,  K A Sajeela, Abdussamad, E M, Gopalakrishnan, A , V S Basheer, and J K Jena, (2014) DNA Barcoding Confirms the Occurrence Rare Elasmobranchs in the Arabian Sea of Indian EEZ. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 19 (9). pp. 1266-1271.

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